North Coast Paranormal Squad is all about the paranormal and finding out if there is an afterlife. We search all around the U.S.A for any places that is haunted and we investigate to find out if there is ghosts or not. Listed below are the group members of this paranormal squad.
Noley Bartruff (Lead Investigator) Noley Bartruff has been into the paranormal since she was a young. She began watching paranormal shows when she was a teen and she instantly became hooked on making her own paranormal group. Her first experiences is when she was 18 and she lived with her Mother in Astoria, OR. She was visiting an old abandoned fort in Long Beach, WA and she felt like she was touched by something or someone even though no one was near her. Ever since that paranormal experience she has been determined to find out if an afterlife does exist after we die. Another experience she recalls is at Pier 39 Bumble Bee tuna factory. While she was investigating this place she has heard a little girl laughing, singing, running, and playing hide-and-seek with her. To this day she continues to investigate haunted places and answer the question, Is there an afterlife?
Joellen Bartruff (Investigator) Joellen Bartruff has been into the paranormal since